I’m a Strategist, Service Designer, Educator and Writer.


With a passion for learning and growth, I provide ideas and insights that help brands, teams, and individuals shine in today’s ever-changing digital landscape.

I have over 15 years of experience developing user centric strategies and creating communication that brings people together in the digital world.

I would love to help you with

Brand Strategy
User Insights & Research
Workshop Facilitation

How I work:


My work always begins with curiosity. I tackle every new project with an open mind, and I urge my clients to do the same.

With a holistic approach to people, culture and business, my work uncover insights, explore new directions and help connecting the dots.

What People Are Saying About My Work

“We have collaborated with Lydia for trend research and the development of creative digital concepts. Not only does she know what’s what, she’s also really creative and always seems to take our half-baked ideas and help them to actually work.”

— Malin Holmquist, Art Director, Futerra Sustainability Communications

Smart, down to earth, empathetic, and pragmatic are words that best represent my experience working with Lydia. On day one she easily understood the vision, follow our customer insights and prioritize short term KPIs that allowed our team to remain in sync while also injecting some energy into our community that enabled it to grow.

— Alfredo Aponte, Design Director Making Waves

“ Lydia is a master at conveying complex ideas in ways which make them useful and digestible to her audience. Our clients particularly welcomed the emphasis she placed on growing community engagement.

— Rachel Walker, Sr Gallery Relations Manager, Artsy Berlin

Always curious about new connections and collaborations. Say hello.
